Scarlot Harlot vs. Bad Laws and Mean Women

These videos and missives are about my political encounters as a sex worker activist.

Monday, December 27, 2004


Talk about a long story. I haven't blogged since late October. I just recuperated from the election. We lost.

The only suprise win I had was my San Francisco outskirts neighborhood (Richmond District) City Supervisor Jake McGoldrick. The money funded an over-the-top campaign against him. But he won, and recently held a reception for sex workers in his office.

I was quoted in the New York Times and LA Times last week. In the New York Times is a very supportive article about our movement and our 2nd Annual Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

The LA Times was about an internal disagreement among SF sex workers, which has been obsessing me lately.,0,2816089.story?coll=la-class-employ-jobnews